There is an Infosphere, an electronic web produced by our multiple telecommunications technologies, pulsating all around us. These technologies, as many human inventions, can be viewed as a product of the creative collective mind and therefore encoded with core lessons of human evolution and transformation. Laptops, cell phones, PDAs, GPS locators, HDTV, and wireless Internet offer new ways of communicating with our inner selves and with others. Techno-aficionado Steven Vedro says putting this newfound wisdom into spiritual practice as a collective society is our Digital Dharma, our path toward greater self-awareness and enlightenment. Practicing this path helps us recognize the impact of technology on our inner life and teaches us to overcome the challenges presented by modern media. Vedro uses the seven chakras—the basic energy centers in the body that spiral upward along the spinal column used by many ancient yogic traditions to link our physical selves to higher levels of consciousness and developmental stages of life—as a model for achieving Digital Dharma. Vedro further explains that practicing this new spiritual awareness, what he also terms "Yoga of Teleconsciousness," allows us to see both the universal light and shadow side of technology and then apply that knowledge to our communication with one another and to our own personal work of spiritual evolution and understanding. Digital Dharma has something for everyone. It is for technology experts and yoga fanatics alike. Whether you’re simply seeking the spiritual, already practicing a spiritual tradition, or a Body-Mind-Spirit reader with ambivalent feelings about your computer and cell phone, this book will guide you on the path toward a new consciousness. Similarly, novices of the digital world, media junkies, and technology "utopians" who understand at some level there is much yet to be learned from the Infosphere, will all find intriguing, useful material here.
Digital Dharma: A User's Guide to Expanding Consciousness in the Infosphere
- Steven Vedro