Reflections on an Ageless Wisdom is the most comprehensive, pensive discussion of the Mahatma Letters since they were first published in 1923. The famed Mahatma Letters, a series of responses to A.P. Sinnett’s queries, controversial as they may be, continue to amaze and bewilder readers with their enigmatic, supernatural ambience! In 1875 Madame Blavatsky founded the Theosophical Society at the request of her occult teachers, whom she endearingly referred to as the "Mahatmas", an ancient Sanskrit term meaning "Great Souls". Blavatsky was clear to point out that the Mahatmas, also referred to as Masters and Adepts, were fully mortal men who through painstaking training and service, had evolved their highest psychic faculties. These teachers, whom Blavatsky claimed were among the Universal Brotherhood devoted to the spiritual evolution of humanity, were also the source of her remarkable and vastly extensive occult education. Blavatsky’s own psychic and paranormal feats astonished onlookers of her day, but it was the tremendous wisdom, compassion, and blunt honesty of her Mahatmas that invoked such ardent curiosity in Mr. Sinnett. The words of these mysterious Mahatmas continue to draw and inspire seekers on the quest for spiritual truth into this present day. Reflections on an Ageless Wisdom comes to us from one of Theosophy’s most respected and beloved veterans, Joy Mills! Joy brilliantly sheds new and profound insight into these 140 plus letters that first astounded Western society over a century ago. Her beautiful, intricate volume of heartfelt observations sequentially covers each of the Mahatma letters, highlighting messages most relevant for today. As Ed Abdill remarks, "In the spirit of a true Theosophist, Joy does not attempt to give us final answers. She asks questions of herself and suggests that we might ask ourselves the same questions." Reflections on an Ageless Wisdom is an invaluable addition to any esoteric researcher’s library; a remarkable gift of inspiration for Theosophists, philosophical seekers, and researchers far and wide.
Reflections on an Ageless Wisdom : A Commentary on The Mahatma Letters
- Joy Mills